Raj Sahemey
Specialty Registrar ST7
West Midlands
Gender / Preferred pronoun
Male (he/him)
British Asian
Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship
Experience of being an ethnic minority trainee. Have experience of mentoring at medical school and during early years training. Have managed to juggle a busy family life raising young children during FRCS and training.
Grades willing to mentor
Medical Students, foundation and early years trainees
Profile statement
My experience of mentoring started at medical school where I was a mentor to junior medical students in a peer-assisted-learning scheme. During my early years of training I have been a mentor with the Social Mobility Foundation, a charity working with individuals from low socioeconomic backgrounds. During this fulfilling role I helped coach and mentor college students towards securing their place at medical school.
I am a specialty registrar approaching the final year of training. During this time I have continually appreciated the importance of establishing (and maintaining!) a work-life balance. Whilst I am still learning to be a better husband and father to 3 children, I am always more than happy to share my life and training experiences and (pitfalls) with others.
I would be more than happy to offer mentorship (or even just a chat) over the phone or virtually. I am a firm believer that the sharing and collaboration of knowledge and experiences, albeit positive or negative, can be an immeasurable resource and source of support for those interested in or pursuing orthopaedics as a career.