October 2020 – Monthly BHS Update
Dear BHS Members
For our October news update I would like to highlight:
Welcome to Panopto!
One of the prime functions of the BHS is sharing knowledge and to that end we are delighted to announce a major development in our functionality and capacity, with the launch of the BHS Panopto account. This is a secure portal for hosting and sharing video content; a repository for digital media with excellent technical support. It allows members to view live webcasts and webinars and it has facilities for on demand viewing of content and interaction with the speakers. In the future we will have the capacity for members to record and edit videos from their own computers, opening up enormous possibilities for the sharing of knowledge. The software features a unique search engine that allows the user to filter all content for a word that appears anywhere in speech or written form in all stored media, and many other features, so we would welcome all of you to explore this exciting development!
We have already uploaded to the site the videos recorded at the Instructional Course in Newport 2020 as well as the recordings of our webinars on complex and revision hip networks. We have plans to record all sessions at the next BHS Annual Meeting, giving members the facility to watch the content again on demand, and allowing the BHS to build a lasting record of our educational resources. We will be contacting you shortly with details on how you may access this valuable resource and we hope very much that you enjoy what we feel to be an important advance for our Society. Finally, I would like to thank Mr. Vikas Khanduja and the Education Committee at BHS for their work in introducing this innovative educational feature for the BHS.
Dual Mobility Components on the NJR
Last month I attended the Medical Advisory Committee of the NJR during which meeting it was made clear by NJR Medical Director, Tim Wilton, that there is concern over the way that dual mobility cups have been recorded on the registry. This issue is one of incomplete data about the implants used when the cases have been entered, specifically in relation to dual-mobility devices, due, at least in part, to a problem with business rules in the data entry system. The NJR believes that they have solved the problem with data capture on a prospective basis but there is an issue with the retrospective data for implants already recorded. The upshot is that about 1600 cases cannot be used for interpretation of the data, since they have insufficient details about the implant and this clearly results in the potential for misinterpretation of the data concerning dual mobility hips.
After further analysis since the NJR MAC meeting it transpires that most hospitals have very few such cases but some have many. Of course the fact that some hospitals have large numbers of such cases may further introduce the risk of bias as
these units may use one specific design, so there is a real need for this data to be cleaned and corrected. The NJR will therefore be writing to the hospitals affected by this issue, asking the clinicians to check and correct the data that has been submitted. I was asked to make you all aware, as leaders of hip surgery within your units, that this communication from the NJR will be forthcoming and they would appreciate the leadership of BHS members in helping to correct the data on dual mobility hips.
BHS Webinar Series on Complex and Revision Hip Replacement Networks In the coming week we will be holding the third in this series of BHS webinars, on Wednesday 7th October 18:30, entitled “Making Networks Happen?” This session will be chaired by Andrew Hamer and co-hosted by Vikas Khanduja, and they will be joined by Sir Andrew Cash, Chief Executive of South Yorkshire and Bassetlaw ICS and Professor Phil Turner from Manchester and the BOA. The panel will be completed by Andrew Manktelow from Nottingham and the webinar will examine some of the hurdles that may exist to establishing complex surgery networks, particularly focussing on commissioning issues and the experience that panel members have had on establishing networks in their respective areas. We very much hope that you will be able to join us for this discussion and if you would like to register for the meeting you can do so using this link:
The next in the series, entitled “Making Networks Successful,” will then take place on Wednesday 4th November at 18:30 and will feature case studies from two different successful networks, from Merseyside and East Midlands, as we continue to explore models of networks that might work for different parts of the country. Also in this session the Research Committee, through Tim Board, will be launching a piece of work that we are planning, to define complexity in revision hip surgery, which we hope will support networks as they develop.
BHS at the BOA Congress 2020
I’d like to thank all of you who downloaded or tuned in to the content that the BHS created for the BOA congress. We will be putting this up on the Panopto site for you to continue to access at your convenience. In total we provided over 4.5 hours of pre-recorded content to the congress, as well as a 90-minute live webinar on re starting elective surgery. In view of the volume of work presented I have added a contents listing, as an easy reference guide, in an appendix to this email to be found below. Once again I would like to sincerely thank all of those who gave up their valuable time to contribute to these sessions.
BHS Sponsored Places on the BOA Future Leaders Programme
As I have previously mentioned in these emails the BHS Executive Committee decided that this year we would sponsor a place on the BOA Future Leadership
Programme, interviews for which took place on Monday 21st September. The interview panel were impressed by the calibre of applications, and recommended that the BHS should in fact sponsor two outstanding candidates on this programme. My congratulations go to Ms. Joanna Maggs and Mr. Jeya Palan on their excellent interviews and we look forward to hearing about their experiences on the FLP and about their quality improvement projects at a future BHS meeting.
BHS Culture and Diversity Committee
Following the formation of the BHS Culture and Diversity Committee earlier in the year, several work streams are now underway. One of these focuses on communication, and projection of the Society’s values to the doctors of the future, in a bid to attract a diverse range of applicants into a career in lower limb arthroplasty. As part of this campaign the Committee is looking to publish short video biographies from a diverse group of willing BHS members for our website and social media accounts, in which volunteers would explain why they chose hip surgery and what they enjoy about their work. If you would be interested in taking part we would love to hear from you, so please email brithipsocsec@gmail.com
BHS Annual Meeting 2020
Many of you will have noticed that at the same time as announcing the “rule of six” the government also announced that conferences and meetings would be prevented from taking place for six months, until the end of March 2020. This, of course, means that the proposed dates for BHS 2020, at the beginning of March, cannot go ahead and contingency plans are now being made. As I have said before my preference, and that of almost everyone I discuss this with, is for the BHS meeting to be in person, rather than as a virtual meeting, so we are exploring with our conference organiser a range of possible alternative dates. These will be discussed at the October BHS Executive Committee meeting and I will be announcing further details in my next monthly email.
With best wishes
Jonathan Howell