Welcome to the first update of 2022 and I hope you had a restful Christmas and are energised for 2022!
BHS 2022 Bournemouth is Go!
Registration is open for the Face-to-Face BHS Annual Scientific Meeting at the Bournemouth International Centre 2-4 March 2022. The highly successful BHS Instructional Course will also run in parallel with the main meeting on Friday 4th March.
Abstract submission is now closed and we have had an outstanding number of papers and posters accepted for the meeting. We are also honoured to welcome Prof Thorsten Gehrke as the Charnley Lecturer and Prof Rob Townsend as the Presidential Guest Lecturer.
Join us as well for the first BHS Fun Run on Thursday morning of the meeting!
Take advantage of the Early Bird rates and register before 4th February.
Programmes and registration details for both meetings and the Fun Run can be found here
BHS Executive Committee Elections
There are a number of positions to be filled at the AGM to be held on Wednesday 2nd March. Posts available are:
- Vice President
- Honorary Secretary
- Honorary Treasurer
- Chair Education Committee
- Chair Culture and Diversity Committee
BHS members are invited to send their applications to Matt Wilson (secretary@britishhipsociety.com) no later than Monday 7th February. Applicants should provide names of proposers and seconders (who should be BHS members) and a 200 word statement of interest. Details of the posts can be found here.
Please contact Andy Hamer if you wish to discuss any of the posts (president@britishhipsociety.com).
BHS Travelling Fellowships
The BHS is offering two travelling fellowships to be interviewed for and awarded at the 2022 meeting in Bournemouth. These posts are supported to the value of £2500 each to provide more flexibility for applicants in choosing units to visit. The awards can also be used to support travel, accommodation and other associated costs such as additional childcare etc. The awards are open to any BHS members post CCT.
Applications should be sent to BHS Honorary Secretary Matt Wilson (secretary@britishhipsociety.com) including:
- Confirmation of acceptance at proposed unit(s) to be visited
- Breakdown of costs
Change to BHS Constitution
You will receive a separate email in the next few days outlining a significant change to the BHS constitution. To protect the interests of the BHS in the future, the Executive have been working towards the Society becoming a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). A number of other Specialist Societies have done the same and whilst the BHS will become a stand-alone organisation, the existing working relationship with the BOA will remain. This proposed change will be voted upon at the AGM in Bournemouth.
Hot Joint BOAST working party
The BHS has been asked to nominate members who would be interested in working with the BOA on the development of a “Hot Joint” BOAST. Any BHS members interested in joining this group should contact Andy Hamer.
I hope that you will register for the BHS meeting as above to take advantage of the Early Bird rates and I look forward to seeing you in Bournemouth.
Best Wishes
Andy Hamer
President, British Hip Society