Jon Mutimer


South West (Cheltenham)

Gender / Preferred pronoun



White British

Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship

Experienced consultant (12 years)

Training Programme Director

Experienced Clinical Director

Aware of issues in current education as well as practical issues facing dept in terms of productivity and developing individuals in the dept

Grades willing to mentor


Profile statement

I am an established orthopaedic and trauma surgeon in the South West working in Gloucestershire. I have gained experience in my particular field of hip and knee surgery as well as being a member of the trauma team.

I have been very fortunate to have met many people along the way in my career who have helped guide my progress. At times that has been formal with guidance on how to navigate training and since becoming a consultant 12 years ago the mentorship has evolved looking at other aspects of consultant practice.

I have an interest in surgical education and have been a Course Director for AO and ATLS as well as currently being a Training Programme Director for Severn Deanery.

Being a Clinical Director has helped me understand the pressures of delivering a service and managing a clinical service line. My involvement in the NJR (on the Implant Scrutiny Committee and a RCC member) has also given me a broader perspective of how we as surgeons are monitored and regulated.

At different times in our careers, we can benefit from a friendly person to discuss issues which may be looming. I don’t see a mentor as having all the answers (sorry!) but as someone who you can work through potential ideas with and possibly some guidance as to which steps may be helpful to take.

I would be happy to follow this further with individuals who feel this would be beneficial. In truth I would think it would be just as beneficial for me in my developing career.