Chloe Scott


Edinburgh, Scotland

Gender / Preferred pronoun

Female (she/her)


White British

Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship

Working while pregnant; returning to work after research and after mat leave; being gay in ortho; juggling family with clinical and academic practices.

Grades willing to mentor

Medical student / Foundation stage to early training / Registrar training to fellowship

Profile statement

I am a consultant hip, knee and trauma surgeon in Edinburgh. I was appointed in January 2017. I have an ongoing interest in academic surgery and I have 1 day per week for research. I have 3 young children: a girl and twin boys. My partner is also a clinician with an academic practice so we are pretty busy and hopefully good at juggling. Clinically my main interests are arthroplasty, periprosthetic fractures and joint preserving knee surgery. I have been involved in various diversity and women in surgery projects and am keen to increase visibility and the accessibility of ortho (esp hip and knee surgery) to women. I am 5’3” with size 7.5 hands and I have yet to find something in hip and knee surgery that I am not physically capable of! It is such a rewarding career – I absolutely love it. I am happy to mentor via zoom or in person depending on geography.