Bonita Tsang
Specialist Registrar
Sheffield, South Yorkshire, England
Gender / Preferred pronoun
Female (she/her)
Chinese Canadian
Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship
Knowledge of the unique hurdles an international medic faces when working in the United Kingdom and the cultural differences experienced by internationals/overcoming “culture shock”. Also familiar with the intricacies of working as a minority female Orthopaedic trainee.
Grades willing to mentor
Medical Students / Foundation Doctors / Core Trainees / Specialist Registrars
Profile statement
I am a Canadian who made the big move to Sheffield for medical school and
worked my way up into Orthopaedic specialty training. My experience of
mentoring includes helping medical students as the International
Representative at the University of Sheffield medical school, where I
created a buddy scheme for international medical students. I am also a
mentor for the University of Sheffield Surgical Society.
My experience as an international medical student and surgical trainee has
equipped me with a wealth of knowledge about the cultural differences
international medics encounter in the United Kingdom as well as the unique
challenges we face while working in the UK (e.g. work visas/long distance
from close family). Despite having resided in the UK for more than 10 years,
I am still discovering new and interesting aspects in British culture every
I find great joy in sharing my experiences with fellow colleagues and
inspiring the next generation of doctors and trainees to become
Orthopaedic surgeons. I am happy to mentor any junior colleague via
telephone/video calls/or even in person! And yes, I am told I say “eh” a lot
and do very much love watching ice hockey!