Becky Aspinall

Consultant – 15 years

Chesterfield, Derbyshire

Gender / Preferred pronoun

Female/ Miss


White British

Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship

Hip and knee arthroplasty and revision arthroplasty practice. Fellowship trained. Approx 10 years as foundation program director. Director of medical education.

Grades willing to mentor

All grades

Profile statement

I come from a non-medical family and am not entirely sure where my ambition to become an arthroplasty surgeon arose from. I was lucky to have some great trainers and fellow trainees but in retrospect the early years as a female orthopaedic registrar felt quite isolated at times- particularly at national meetings where I’ve never felt quite comfortable.

I’ve spent my consultant years developing my interest in encouraging the progress of Drs in their foundation years and have recently taken on the role of Director of Medical Education. Since becoming established as a consultant, I’ve developed a couple of medical conditions which impact on my working life, and I’m open to discussing coping with this type of challenge.

I’ve been very pleased to see a steady increase in the percentage of female specialist registrars over the last few years, but have been equally saddened that I’ve been involved in appointing 2 arthroplasty colleagues in the past year or so, where none of the many applicants were female. I’m very happy to be able to add support to this positive action from the Hip Society.