Andrew Manktelow
Gender / Preferred pronoun
Male (He/Him)
White British
Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship
I am (now) an increasingly experienced Orthopaedic Surgeon
I have been committed to my patients and to my work since I qualified and remain hugely enthusiastic about how lucky I am to be an Orthopaedic and Hip surgeon
I am committed to surgeon education at all levels
I run a yearly International Post Grad Hip Revision Course in Nottingham and speak about many aspects of hip surgery and my activities at many regional, national and international meetings
I have mentored my Industry funded fellowship programme for 10 years
I have enjoyed that part of my work and have been excited to see my previous fellows head on to busy orthopaedic activities
I am keen to ensure that any colleague interested in taking orthopaedic care of patients is supported to reach that goal.
I am frustrated by the uniformity of our group as it stands, I am really keen to show that Orthopaedics and Hip surgery is truly a speciality for all
As a family man and as a father of 4 girls, I understand how family will always come first and that there are practical considerations in life that mean that work sometimes needs to be in the background.
I am frustrated that natural events are not more readily accommodated in training and career progression – I am committed to changing that.
I am also clear that other variables should never affect a good colleague from becoming a good orthopaedic surgeon
Away from my clinical work, I have some political activities as a Past President of the BHS and a present member of the BOA Council.
I am also a member of the International Hip Society
Grades willing to mentor
From A level student onwards and upwards…
Profile statement
As above