Josh Lamb
West Yorkshire
Gender / Preferred pronoun
Male (he/him)
Particular qualities / experiences relevant for mentorship
Research interest with a focus on Data, imaging and mechanical testing.
Used to do lots of sport fairly well, Dad of three kids.
Grades willing to mentor
Profile statement
I am an Orthopaedic trainee (ST7) and I currently live in a rural spot outside of Leeds/Bradford. I studied Medicine as a graduate in St George’s, London after a degree in Sport Science in Bath. I previously did some fairly high level sports but since studying medicine I have not found the time to continue. I lived in London for 7 years until moving to West Yorkshire with my wife who is now a GP. We now have three kids (aged 3,5 and 7), which is lots of fun and quite a challenge! The balance of work and family is something I have not mastered and seems to constantly change.
I really enjoy arthroplasty and trauma but I have also developed an interest in science and research. Getting cases and experience is a real challenge and I have managed to do OK during a fairly difficult time. I completed a PhD during an OOPR in Leeds during my training, which was a great time but full of challenges. I still manage to do some interesting projects and I have learnt some skills which I hope to use as a clinician and academic in the future. I am currently going through the mill of the FRCS!
I have been through a lot of tough moments, brilliant times and difficult decisions, as many others have. If you want to chat or have some support I would be more than happy to help. With any luck, some of what I have done may help you in your journey.