Become A Member
If you want to join the society simply select the membership level below and you will be taken to the online registration form. Once completed, including your suggested proposer and a seconder (both of whom must be members of the society), you will receive an email with further instructions.
Conditions of Membership
- “ORDINARY MEMBERSHIP is open to surgeons and scientists who have a special interest in the hip joint as demonstrated by their research or publications in its field, or by their presentation of a paper to the Society”.
- Applications should be made on-line via the BHS website or in electronic format to the Honorary Secretary.
- The names and confirmation of support from of a proposer and seconder, both of whom are members of the British Hip Society, should
be included with the application. - The application will be scrutinised by the Honorary Secretary and membership will be granted only after consideration
at a meeting of the Executive of the Society. - Successful applicants are required to pay their annual subscription by direct debit
- Cessation of membership will occur on receipt of the member’s written resignation, due to failure to pay the annual subscription fee after a reminder has been sent or due to failure to attend the Annual Meeting for at least three years without a note of apology for nonattendance.