Culture & Diversity Committee
The BHS Culture and Diversity Committee was established in 2020 to investigate matters of culture and diversity, as they affect BHS membership and those outside the BHS, and to advise the Executive Committee on these issues.
The Working Group aims to promote an inclusive and diverse culture within the British Hip Society and to project the BHS values of inclusivity to those outside the Society.





Aava Param

Hariharan Subbiah Ponniah

Sophie Donoghue
Challenging discriminatory behaviour
We are aware that several surveys conducted by both the BHS and other orthopaedic societies suggest systemic cultural and workplace behavioural issues in Orthopaedics. This workstream is aimed at attempting to address some of those issues. Often, as a bystander, colleagues feel unable to tackle discrimination or know how report discriminatory behaviour in the work place.
We are aiming to develop a workplace tool kit, in collaboration with the civility saves lives campaign, to help support the change towards positive workplace culture, to help strengthen skills and confidence when witnessing poor workplace behaviours and promote positive work place behaviour.
We also hope to release a short video tackling some challenging workplace behaviour.

schools engagement proJECT
The BHS C&D committee Schools Engagement Programme aims to support the widening of participation with respect to socioeconomic groups in medical and surgical careers. We ran our inaugural annual Schools Engagement Session at the BHS meeting in Edinburgh 2023 which was very well received by pupils, faculty and our session industry sponsors Heraeus and Corin. We are collaborating with the BOA, BOMSA and the BOA/ BOTA Culture & Diversity Champions to run a similar session at BOA Congress in 2023. We are in the process of organising a toolkit with which to support members in visiting their local schools.
For more information and photos please link HERE for the related article in the Journal of Trauma and Orthopaedics.


Kathryn Gill

Samantha Hook

Samantha Tross

Shivam Kohle

Sam Jain

Jonathan Howell

Kat Dayanandra

David Sochart